Friday, 19 December 2014

Concerning Cuba-US normalsation

Concerning the recent developments in Cuba-US relations I would make the following individual and personal comments on the issue. Firstly it is great that the Miami Five have been released and are back in the Cuban homeland. Secondly, I think there are two poles of error. One is people who are saying that this is the end of the Cuban revolution, that this is perestroika" , the end of Cuban socialism etc. This approach is not correct and we should recall the great sacrifices made by the Cuban people in the past in the anti-imperialist struggle. In the past Fidel was was one of the most anti-imperialist leaders outside of the DPRK , to me it seems inconceivable that the Cuban people would put this fine tradition of anti-imperialism in the dustbin . At the other end of the spectrum there are those who say this the end of the chapter and some stupid revisionists praising Obama is " far sighted ". Obama is not far sighted , it is just that US policy towards Cuba has failed. Obama says that they will press for "democracy " (restoration of capitalism ) in Cuba . So the hostility of US imperialism towards Cuban socialism has not changed and the aim of the US to destroy Cuban socialism in unchanged . The reactionary policy of the US will take different forms new. I think both schools of thought on this matter need to realise that the ultra reactionaries in the US Congress and Senate could block the lifting of sanctions and other measures . Moreover the process could derail if the US tries to push unreasonable demands on Cuba. Those of us who are friends of the DPRK remember how the DPRK-US Agreed Framework collapsed after 8 years due to US perfidy ..

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