Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Motherly Party

 The Workers' Party of Korea is praised as motherly Party by the people in the DPRK.

The motherly Party!

The WPK is the only party in the world that has won such a title.

The motherly Party-this call reflects the boundless veneration and absolute trust of the Korean people in the WPK and is the honorary title peculiar to it.

The WPK has made a long journey of devoted service for the people's wellbeing from the outset of its founding to this day.

Thanks to the loving care of the WPK that serves all the people with sincerity, taking full responsibility for their destiny and future, the Korean people could pull through hardships and ordeals with smile and enjoy happiness and honor.

The past decade that went by under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is a clear proof.

Lots of dwelling houses and structures have mushroomed and all sorts of popular policies have been executed in the Juche Korea.

The appearance of farm villages underwent a total facelift and the Korean people lead a life with nothing to envy in the world in new homes of happiness.

That is why the Korean people sincerely call the WPK the motherly party.

The Party takes care of the people with maternal affection and the latter absolutely trust and follow the former.

Herein lies the might of the WPK and the source of invincibility of the Korean people.

The WPK is winning a series of victories and glories with the call of a motherly Party presented by the people.

Led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the WPK will remain etched in the mind of the people as a benevolent mother.

Posted by juche007 at 00:50  

Thursday, 12 October 2023

'The shame of housing disaster of capitalist's UK, and the proud housing success of socialist People's Korea'(article originally from " The Revolutionary Thought "

  'The shame of housing disaster of capitalist's UK, and the proud housing success of socialist People's Korea' ( An article from the quarterly magazine 'The Revolutionary Thought' issue 4, of the Internationalist Revolutionary Communist Party ) 

 Housing, the need for space for personal living is one of the most basic and fundamental human needs. In the housing system that is in capitalist countries, for example in the UK housing is one of the areas of operation of capitalist competition. 

In the past decades, the UK state, and above all local councils, built apartments. Immediately after World War II, entire cities were built, 30 of which were built from scratch. This was done only to make apartments available. And what is important, these were not just any flats - flats erected in the first period after the war were built with the assumption that they were to be desired by an ordinary citizen. So, they had a higher standard than those that were available on the market at the time. But all of this effort was wasted, back in the days when the neo - liberal gang of Margaret Thatcher, did not only destroy the weak but existing social relations in the housing sector, but also disrupted and remodelled council housing sector in functioning for ordinary citizens as more hostile and shut for their issues and needs, for development. 

The first building in London that was built as a communal rental building is in the East End. It was built for workers. Today, flats in it cost so much that if the British prime minister came to the bank with his earnings, he would not get a loan for even two rooms of that flat ... Except that this building was built much earlier. In 1901. This example illustrates well what catastrophic effects is of liberal politics on the housing sector. All promises of liberal politician class of bourgeois ruling classes have a short - term character of 'electoral sausage' - so it is just empty promises. In the long run, the market and this will lead to horrendous price hikes and it will stifle investment and deprive the poorest of the poor of any chance of housing.

 Follow to 50s and 60s, almost anyone who needed one could apply for an apartment. Even in the 1970s people complained that the waiting time for public housing was long, as much as two ( ! ) years. Today the waiting time in the UK is at least 20 years, but unfortunately there are also places where it is known that you will never get social housing.

 In 1979, when Margaret Thatcher began her rule, she decided to 'give away' council flats. In principle, everyone could get a flat in which they lived for a fraction of the value ( a similar solution existed in Poland a few years ago ). The whole operation was carried out perfectly in terms of Public Relations. For example, it was said that anyone could become a landlord. And in England, being a landlord in the bourgeois terminology is almost like nobility.

 Even in this decision, political considerations were paramount. They wanted to weaken support for the Labour Party. When someone in Britain became the owner of their own house with a garden, they automatically moved to the middle class. And when you are middle class, you do not vote for a working class party. Attacking everything that was an element of community life - trade unions, municipal housing, even local governments, whose competencies were limited. And one of the tools was the distribution of flats for ownership. 

However, almost half of the flats bought by the owners were quickly resold at a profit to investors who bought several dozen flats at attractive prices. And then, the problem began. 

Not best, but still well - functioning system has been destroyed. Successive generations must pay for Thatcher's handouts. The combination of privatization and the abandonment of public housing has led to a situation where the state had to do something to save those who had no place to live .

So, it introduced rent subsidies. That it would solve the problem of housing shortage, but it did not happen, it only caused the prices and wages of landlords to increase. 

With the privatization of the real estate market, rent subsidies were introduced - for those who cannot afford a flat, the state will pay the difference. Admittedly, there are some limitations, e.g. the rental price cannot be significantly above the average for this place, because then the state will not pay extra. After 2008, a ban on co - financing was also introduced when there are more rooms in the apartment than people occupy it. There are age limits that exclude young singles from the system. But in most cases, there are surcharges. Currently, the housing allowance is received by about 20 - 25 percent and still continues to shrink. through ever - increasing budget cuts in spending and deliberately complicating and hindering the application, for these credits by making the requirements more difficult and bureaucratic the application process. 

But because of these subsidies, prices are constantly rising. And at a pace that state aid cannot keep up with. The effects can be seen in the statistics. While in the 1960s, the average household spent about 20% of its income on housing maintenance today it is already 40 percent or more. This causes less money to go to other sectors of the economy than real estate. It is estimated that after deducting the contribution to the change in housing prices, the British economy would grow by only approx. 0.2 per cent. annually. 

In addition, in 1988, a law was introduced that in practice completely deregulated the rental sector. The principle was introduced that the landlord has the right to increase the rent or terminate the contract, guided only by his own whim. The only limitation is the requirement of two months' notice. Social housing provided stability. These properties were rented for life, and often even with the right to inherit the lease by children. Today, it is very difficult for tenants to feel safe. The changes began in 1979, when a new housing model appeared. 

Although it sounds paradoxical, in the UK it is not valuable to build flats or houses. More can be earned in a situation where the supply is practically non - existent. And communal construction came to a standstill. 

A decade ago, the British government introduced the 'Help to Buy' program - and it was nothing more than a down payment for people who want to buy their first apartment. Sounds familiar? As a result, there are no more flats, but the prices of those that would have been delivered anyway, immediately become higher. 

It is a general rule that such mechanisms do not change the situation on the market, because they do not affect the supply. In London, in 2002, you had to pay five average annual salaries for an average - sized apartment, and in 2022, it was already fourteen. What is more, in Great Britain, the largest banks do not grant, for example, housing loans to people who receive any benefits. 

Today, even a British professor cannot afford to buy a flat. 

It used to be estimated that the income from four or six years of work should be enough to buy a flat, and it was. Currently, in London, Winchester or Oxford, housing already costs an average of 16 years of income from work and that is the average income for the area. This makes it virtually impossible to buy real estate. The problem is increasingly affecting people with fixed incomes - even professors at the University College of London or Richmond University have a problem with it.

 However, the increase in real estate prices is accompanied by a deterioration in construction standards. In a new building in the UK, it can be difficult for two people to pass each other on the stairs. The area is falling - the apartments are miniature, but they are also crowded and overcrowded. 

The standard is that singles who cannot afford to buy anything of their own nest in apartments intended for families. 50 percent over the course of a decade. the number of twenty - year - olds who do not have their own place has increased. In the 1980s, the average age of a buyer of a new apartment was 26 years old, now it is 32 years old. University graduates who start work often cannot even afford to rent an apartment, so it is common for parents to subsidize housing expenses. 

In the British urban space, local councils look in vain for larger projects of building new premises for municipal purposes. Mostly, the already available resource is used - increasingly destructive and degrading. An example is the project widely popularized in the local press and considered a success by the local council of liberal idiots for the design of the old and part damaged building of the former police station in Taunton Somerset. The police were moved to the local council building, due to the poor technical condition of the building, dampness, mould and mildew and destruction. Now, the council under pressure of thousands of citizens awaiting on council housing list decided try to adapt former police station to housing needs instead of invest to a new project. Of course, easier is just sold urban areas from taking into construction activity for the city and its citizens. 

In the housing policy of local councils in the UK distorted by liberal idiots, the overriding goal of urban space is not to benefit and meet human needs, but to generate immediate income, profit. Thus, all provisions and opinions contained in local documents, stating that the basic duties of local authorities include providing housing to all residents, are treated as an ornament of the document and a text without any coverage in reality, the real goal is the so - called: 'normalization' of relations between local government and development companies in a commercial way, i.e. 'negotiating' local government officials with those business representatives who have to offer as much money as possible for the purchase of municipal land. Cases of corruption are not rare here. Thus, local government authorities become de facto political representatives of business. Simultaneously with the sale of premises, the process of mass sale of municipal land is underway. 

The desire to commercialize every area of life is one of the pillars of capitalism. It is no different in the housing sector.

 As a result of well - paid bribes, local authorities generously transfer all land and real estate to private operators, private business. In line with Margaret Thatcher's maxim that 'there is no such thing as society', no one thinks about the social costs of such measures. It is similar with the housing sector, which is treated like any other commodity, a resource that should not be included in the additional costs of the local council budget or, if necessary, should be as small as possible and limited, like the local budget, to a minimum of expenses for general social purposes, but plus bonuses and maintenance costs for civil servants. All in line with the anti - social ideas of liberal idiocy. 

Completely opposite to the priorities and goals of the state, or rather the lack of it in relation to the housing needs of the society, as is the case in the socialist system, the liberal economy, or rather their sector of private parasites, who have mastered the housing sector and which occurs, among others, in UK. Data on the housing sector and the needs of the public in the UK in relation to the provision of housing that are published in the press are tragic and alarming. The ideas of liberal free - market idiots at the helm of power, as usual, are aimed at protecting their interests and profit for them, not for the benefit of the average citizen. These ideas are designed to pump public money into the private pockets of the financial elite. In this case, the money from the budget is to go to private banks, developers and idlers who live in luxury from the mere fact of having apartments for rent. Of course, ordinary people will be most affected, because big business - including real estate developers, housing trade brokers and speculators - is quite successful in evading taxes. For the class of parasites - landlords and private businessmen investing in the UK housing market, it is more profitable to hold vacant, empty luxury flats than to allow price reductions, which would inevitably be caused by that is speculatively turned from owner to owner with interest and profit. Buying flats ''for investment' is a pathological behavior, which results in an increase in housing prices and exclusion of more and more people from any possibility of 'living on their own'. People who cannot afford loans today often pay more for renting an apartment than the loan instalment. A roof over your head is the basis for a dignified life and as a society we should guarantee it to every family, regardless of the interests of parasitic elites! 

Housing should be considered a right of every citizen, not a tool for multiplying profit. In a socialist economy, there is no place for idlers who live in abundance from other people's work and effort. Just as workplaces will be taken from the capitalists in one way or another and handed over to the workers, so will any 'owner' of large numbers of apartments be simply expropriated. For private owners of apartments renting for huge rents, as reality shows, quality and ensuring good conditions for landlords are not important, only profit for the smallest financial outlay counts. 

 The reality of catastrophic lack of not only flats, but also their technical condition show UK press. Mostly in the local and low - circulation, and therefore closer to the truth about the living conditions of the British society, there are articles about the catastrophic living conditions of the British society. As example one of article of local press of the Bristol City increase in supply. These apartments are built not to serve people, but as an investment of capital .


Revealed: renters living in mouldy art deco flats

handed steep rent hike by millionaire London landlords'

An article about the problems of the residents and the ignorance of the owners

[ source: 'The Bristol Cable'. Issue No 34 - summer 2023 

The article is full of complaints from residents and examples of building destruction and poor technical condition that threatens the health of people living there, and also shows the ignorance and disregard of owners who make fortunes from renting in such conditions. As we read in this article, the residents of the exclusive Queen's Court in Clifton building in Bristol have to accept the terrible conditions in which they live with huge rents and have no influence to change it. They are afraid to even speak and do anything in their defense so as not to be evicted.

 '’There always been mould and damp in our flat - it's never been sorted’, Stuart continues. He's had to do without key appliances for months, and had water pouring down his walls during stormy weather... ... ’We thought we were the only flat had [mould and damp]’, Stuart says. ’But people are in far worse situations than we are’'

 Unfortunately, despite the fact that they experience nuisance as a result of living in disastrous conditions, there is still a deeply ingrained idea in the minds of these people that in a free and liberal real estate rental market companies should provide them with good housing conditions: 'If they are going to be charging market value, they should provide market value' Unfortunately, this is only a wish. In addition, not to be fulfilled at all. Because the capitalist owners of this building are not interested in incurring expenses for necessary repairs and maintaining good technical condition for the residents. They are only interested in profit. Filling their bank accounts with rent money without disturbance - it is their attitude.

 City Estates was advised by contractors to waterproof the roof first. This advice was ignored to save money, the sources say, causing flooding into flats below.' '’The main issue has been lack of response’, Oliver says.’ There was a lot of rain in the new year, it started leaking here’, he adds, pointing to the stairwell. ’There was a massive puddle, we have a bunch of cracks and mould in our living room’. I ask when it was sorted out. ’It hasn't been’, he replies with a chuckle. ’It stopped raining

Residents who pay high rents and live in unhealthy conditions. In conditions that do not care at all, owners who are responsible for ensuring good housing conditions in the quoted example from Bristol tried to fight for their rights. However, they quickly died down. The capitalist system in the housing sector does not work for the benefit of the inhabitants but for the benefit of capital owners. 

'’A lot of people accepted [the rise] straightway out of fear of being kicked out of their flats’.' Oliver says. '’Many people I spoke to feared revenge evictions if they pushed too hard against the lack of maintenance, and felt pressured to accept rent increases they didn't want'’ Sad story indeed.A sad example of many in the UK

 . Now let's see how the country, where the socialist system is at a high level of development, manages to cover the housing needs of the society. A country where human needs come first - the socialist Korea of Juche, so Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 

 In the DPRK capital of Pyongyang, huge projects have been undertaken in the past and present to build thousands of apartments. On construction sites, apart from employees for whom it is a matter of honour to have flats available for everyone as soon as possible, there are also soldiers from Korean People's Army. 'The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, attended the inauguration ceremony of the first - stage 10 000 flats ...' ' ... Officials of the construction headquarters for 50 000 flats in Pyongyang city, commanding officers of the Korean People's Army, who took part in the housing construction, officials of the Party and power organs in the city and military -civilian builders congratulated working people, who moved into the modern houses given by the Party and the state free of charge.' [ source: Korean Central News Agency ]

 Also in rural areas, housing construction managed with careful care and supplied with funds from the central budget of socialist planned economy, is flourishing and developing on a large scale. As example, in July this year, another part of planned houses has been handed over for settlement in the rural area ( villages of Phungjon - ri in Chonnae County, Sunhak - ri in Kosong County, Hyon - ri in Sepho County and Jiam - ri in Phyonggang County ). All of the new and modern houses of various and peculiar styles were built to provide convenience of the residents free of any charges as part of Juche based pro - social politics of the socialist state of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 

' ... The Workers’ Party of Korea and the DPRK Government vigorously pushed ahead with the project of building 50 000 flats in Pyongyang in 2022 even under the harshest situation. A modern street with 10 000 flats was set up in the Songsin and Songhwa area as part of the project. The Eighth Congress of the WPK held in January 2021 had designated the building of 50 000 flats in Pyongyang as one of the important tasks to be accomplished during the five - year plan period. The groundbreaking ceremony for the building of 10 000 flats in the Songsin and Songhwa area as part of the project to build 50 000 flats in Pyongyang was held in March 2021 ...' ' ... Construction of 10 000 flats in the Hwasong area was promoted at its last stage in 2022. It was a reflection of the steadfast will of the WPK not to suspend for a moment to do something it has aspired to do even in the face of trials and difficulties. The year 2022 witnessed ushering in of a new era of rural rejuvenation in the country...' ' ... Building houses has also been promoted vigorously in the Komdok area in the northern part of the country. In this area, a large - scale mineral producer, a biggest - ever mountain gorge town, with 25 000 houses and neighbourhood - serving amenities, will be built in five years, beginning from the year 2021, with 5 000 houses each year...' [ source: '2022 DPRK Raising Its Profile' ]


New public buildings for society,

in Songhwa and Hwasong Streets,

and the Pothong Riverside Terraced Residential District of Pyongyang, 

capitol city of the DPRK

[ source: Korean Central News Agency

New houses free of charge for DPRK citizens, of the rural area of the Kangwon Province [ source: Korean Central News Agency ]

 How the socialist government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea looks after and cares about housing needs, providing housing for every Korean family is shown in one of the many articles by the communist party - the Workers' Party of Korea - central press organ - 'Rodong Sinmun' Rodong Sinmun on Popular Character of WPK's Policies Seen through Housing Construction Pyongyang, August 2nd 2023 ( Korean Central News Agency ) ' ... in an article says that the Workers' Party of Korea ( WPK ) set at its 8th Congress it as the core of its construction policy to make the DPRK the first country which solved the housing problem in the world, and has launched a series of gigantic projects for its realization. People move into new houses in different parts of the country. This is the outcome of the people - first principle peculiar to the WPK, which gives top priority to the interests and convenience of the people, deeming them absolute in working out and implementing all policies, the article says, and goes on: It is only the WPK which makes sure that all dwelling houses are built as intended and demanded by people, respecting the people as Heaven. Today our Party is pushing ahead with the rural construction. Thanks to it which has taken best care of the people in the face of severer difficulties and made selfless, devoted efforts for the good of them, regarding all hardships as pleasure, the people enjoy more benefits under socialism and their great cheers of hurrah for the Workers' Party and socialism resound throughout the country. As it encourages people to cherish new dreams and ideals, work hard to realize them, acquire such enterprising work style as to discover, create and innovate more new things, our Party’s construction policy has become a popular policy run through with warm love for the people, which thoroughly embodies the people - first principle. It is the steadfast will of the WPK to radically improve the living environment of the people across the country in 20 to 30 years and thus turn the country into an ideal socialist country admired by the world and a socialist paradise where the people enjoy the highest civilization in comfort and harmony' [ source: 'Rodong Simmun', Korean Central News Agency ]

 A comparison of the effectiveness and level of ensuring the housing needs of the capitalist society in the UK in relation to the socialist system of planned economy in the DPRK, where the housing sector is permanently included in the areas of investment activity of the state, shows the difference as huge as the pride of such a pro - social policy in the state, where man and his needs are in the first place in DPRK, in relation to the enormity of the decline and continuation of the pathetic and anti - human activity of imagined the so - called 'invisible hand of the market' which, according to liberal fabulists, was supposed to solve all the needs of society. And as a result, deepens misery and creates chaos, and reinforces social inequality in the exploitation of the poorest classes. who cannot obtain housing due to their low social status and income. The number of homeless people on all city streets in the UK is growing. i.e. those whose cost of rent and rent exceeded the possibility of income. 

They are often young people in their prime who are able to work. But the cost of living is so high that working just does not pay off anymore. In the field of housing policy, the UK and the DPRK are not even comparable. There is just no housing policy or exist loose and contradictory, not coordinated housing policy - created to make profit not for housing needs for society in the UK.

 Actually. What is there to compare? Lack of flats and those that are used for exploitation for the profit of the owners in very bad condition, compared to thousands of comfortable and newly built, beautiful flats given free of charge to the working class in the socialist DPRK system?

(This article was originally published in ' The Revolutionary Thought ' the journal of the Internationalist Revolutionary Communist Party and is reproduced by their kind permission)

Friday, 6 October 2023

Let us break up south Korea-US nexus!

 On October 1, the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front issued an appeal under the title of "Let us resolutely smash the aggressive yet submissive south Korea-US alliance through a nationwide campaign!" on the threshold of 70th anniversary of the conclusion of the south Korea-US mutual defense treaty.

The appeal revealed that the south Korea-US mutual defense treaty made up in the 1950s is the most shameful document of servitude as well as a sycophantic one singular in history, by which south Korea has been reduced to not only an advance nuclear base of the US for invading north Korea and a bridgehead for realization of the US supremacy over the world, but also the worst desert of human rights, and the south Koreans have been forced into unbearable misfortune, pain, damage and death without elementary freedom, dignity, democracy and civil rights, being shackled by the chain of the south Korea-US alliance for centuries.

Moreover, south Korea has been pushed deeper into the bottomless quagmire of a present-day colony and the people have suffered a permanent colonial slavery of the foreign forces since Yoon Suk-yeol took power, it went on to censure.

He made a "new record" of the greatest pro-American sycophancy to put the successive pro-US stooges in the shade after he sat on the "throne".

Traitor Yoon buckles himself to being filial to the US, clean indifferent to this land and people from the outset.

He, who settled all issues arising in all fields including politics, military, diplomacy and economy under the approval of the US, committed the treacherous crime of signing the Washington Declaration and the Spirit of Camp David.

He is an idiot who does not hesitate to fly to the NATO, Ukraine or anywhere at the request of the master styling himself a vanguard for realization of the US strategy for world domination.

Yoon takes up a positive attitude in fence-mending with Japan who is moving heaven and earth to fabricate the south Korea-US-Japan trilateral military nexus and establish the "Asian-version NATO", not content with his connivance at Japan's discharge of wastewater.

What should not be overlooked is the fact that warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol, leaning on the south Korea-US alliance, is pushing ahead in a big way with nuclear war provocation against north Korea with the aim of stifling compatriots.

It arouses great indignation.

Traitor Yoon added main subjects of north Korea to the target of attack and made drastic revisions to north Korea-targeted operation plans including the furthermore detailed "OP-2022".

A large amount of US strategic triad including the nuclear strategic bomber and the nuclear-powered flattop are now at liberty to move freely in and out of south Korea drumming up war fever under the cloak of provision of the US extended deterrence means.  

War clouds hang over the Korean Peninsula by the south Korea-US alliance and people are in constant grip of uneasiness and fear due to the ever-increasing war danger and instability.

Owing to tributary and submissive "alliance" between the US and south Korea which is in bondage to the former through and through, the people's livelihood and economy are plunged into recession.  

The south Korea-US mutual defense treaty is the worst subordinate document rare to be found in the world and the south Korea-US alliance is the root of evil causing every kind of misfortune and humiliation, south Korea is still chained to the unequal and servile south Korea-US mutual defense treaty, it is in itself a national disgrace as well as a worldwide ridicule, the appeal pointed out.

It called for a nationwide crusade against the US for putting a period to the disgraceful history of the US occupation of south Korea that has continued century after century and for recovering freedom and dignity, stressing that no longer can the people bear and tolerate such submission and humiliation and only when the US colonial rule is brought to an end and the south Korea-US alliance demolished, can the people lead a life worthy of human being.


Friday, 8 September 2023

54 years under the Rays of Juche



54 years have elapsed since the AINDF was founded under the guidance of the great sun of the nation.

With the foundation of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification (RPR) on August 25, 1969, the south Korean people could have an invincible vanguard party truly representing the interests of the people and resolutely carry on a righteous struggle for the social change.

The RPR was renamed the National Democratic Front of South Korea, later to become the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) in keeping with the demands of the developing situation and the times.

The AINDF has developed into the ranks of national salvation and a militant vanguard in which the monolithic ideology and leadership are firmly established.

The AINDF made more strenuous efforts to imbue south Korea with the ardent reverence for the peerlessly great men who are possessed of extraordinary intelligence, distinguished leadership and noble virtues.

Led by the great Juche idea, it has encouraged the patriotic people from every background to turn out in the struggle for independence, justice and democracy.

The AINDF has even experienced heart-rending pains and hardships caused by the fascist clique and the outside forces for the sake of its historic cause.

However, led by the peerlessly great persons revered by the entire Korean nation, the AINDF has made a sustained advance along the road of Juche.

The AINDF will steadily accelerate the struggle to realize the national independence under the leadership of the respected President of the State Affairs Kim Jong Un, holding President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the sun of Juche in the future.

For the present, we will decisively hold in check the north-targeted war maneuvers of warmongers at home and abroad in a bid to plunge the Korean nation into a nuclear disaster and will kindle the fierce flames of a massive struggle to ensure the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.

Meanwhile, we will more energetically conduct a nation-wide campaign for ousting the traitorous Yoon's regime from the presidency which reduces south Korea to the tundra of democracy, public welfare and civil rights with the unparalleled fascist despotism and anti-popular misrule.

The cause of the AINDF will for sure emerge ever-victorious as long as we are led by the banner of Juche idea under the wise leadership of the peerlessly great man.



Tuesday, 8 August 2023

'What does it mean to defend People’s Korea, with ‘no ifs or buts’? by CNY Rao -Article first published in "People's Korea Today"

'What does it mean to defend People’s Korea, with ‘no ifs or buts’?


' Here in the West, Socialist Korea is under constant attack from the mainstream media. The most ridiculous lies are manufactured and spoon-fed to people so they might regurgitate them on command. As principled communists - this, I hope is understood by us all - it is important we counter misinformation: claims that people in the DPRK are starving, that they are brainwashed, that they are oppressed, etc. etc. Throughout history, many countries have been given harsh treatment by western news outlets, but none today as much as the DPRK. 

 During the civil war which succeeded the October Revolution, many British communists ( including Willie Gallagher and Harry Pollitt ) were active in a campaign named 'Hands off Russia', aimed at opposing Britain’s support for the Whites and its eventual intervention against the Bolsheviks. A well-known action of the campaign was the refusal by dock workers to load arms - arms which were going to Polish soldiers in the Polish-Soviet war - onto a boat ( the SS Jolly George ). Practical actions such as these are very necessary and are in fact still carried out today ( albeit mostly at a smaller scale ) by organisations formed to defend socialism. Many groups have been formed in the UK with the purpose of showing solidarity with the victims of imperialism: the British-Soviet Friendship Society, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, the Britain - Vietnam Solidarity Front ( active in the 1960s during the Vietnam War ), the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign and of course the Korean Friendship Association. The KFA is particularly unique in that it must fight an unusual battle: it must promote solidarity with a country which has been so extensively lied about that most people’s conception of it is entirely different to its true nature. 

 Unsurprisingly, different battles require different tactics. This is where the idea of defending People’s Korea with 'no ifs or buts' comes in. Essentially, in order to successfully combat the propaganda spread about the DPRK, a much more thorough approach to solidarity work is required: holding the DPRK at 'arm’s length' will not do.

The few revisionists who don’t reject the DPRK entirely ( normally those who, when push comes to shove, are social - democrats ), can be divided into two categories in terms of their attitudes towards both People’s Korea as a whole and Kimilsungism - Kimjongilism. 

 Firstly, there are those who try to ignore the DPRK, as if it’s some minor attempt at socialism which failed forty years ago. I see members of communist parties doing this a lot: they will talk about solidarity with Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and China, but stop there, and when confronted, they might timidly admit they support the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 'critically'! 

 The British left loves to rattle on about Cuba but can not spare even a minute to acknowledge the great achievements of the socialist system in Korea. 

 The other grouping of those only willing to hold People’s Korea 'at arm’s length' are those who oppose sanctioning ( and on a good day, maybe even the division of Korea ), but feel the need to condemn the DPRK as a 'totalitarian regime', one which must be put an end to. 

 The similarity we can see between these two camps is that neither understands what the real incentive for defending People’s Korea is. It is neither out of some Kantian obsession with telling the truth nor out of 'critical support against US imperialism': the reason we have to defend People’s Korea and the reason this defence must take place with no ifs or buts is the socialist construction currently taking place in the DPRK under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un. 

 You see, the phrase 'defending People’s Korea with no ifs or buts' can be interpreted as referring back to the KFA’s much more radical and confident stance. Many organisations which exist today to promote solidarity with the DPRK either: 

1) Do not attribute the DPRK’s success to Juche or Songun; 

2) Claim that Juche is an adaptation of Marxism - Leninism ( like Mao Tse - tung Thought or Kaysone Phomvihane Thought ), instead of an original philosophy, or:

3) see the Juche Idea as inapplicable outside the DPRK. The Korean Friendship Association recognises the originality of Juche - style socialism and its contributions to Korean independence: this recognition is absolutely necessary for the dispelling of anti - DPRK propaganda to have any serious weight. 

 In the West today, the mainstream media not only attacks the DPRK as a country but also the Juche Idea, falsely comparing it to a 'religion' or a 'brainwashing tool'. Some revisionists seem to think that we needn’t spare a second for the DPRK post-reunification; principled communists should look to the DPRK as inspiration for how we can build socialism in Britain. To comprehensively defend People’s Korea - when most won’t have the opportunity of refusing to load boats with weapons destined for the Korean Peninsula - we must stand by the Leadership, the Workers’ Party and the Juche Idea. 

[ Author: CNY Rao ]

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Human scums with multiple sins


Nowadays, the defectors to south Korea are getting overheated at the van of anti-DPRK confrontation.

In its lead are Park Sang-hak, Lee Min-bok and Kim Seong-min. It is to be noted that they are identical in vileness.

They committed serious crimes in the DPRK and defected to south Korea to escape punishment for the crimes and wallow in luxury turning back upon their kinsmen and friends.

Park was an idler from his childhood and has given himself up to money even going further to steal a precious cultural treasure.

Kim stole state property and has committed various vile sins to live in wealth.

It is for this reason that they defected to south Korea where crimes stalk and money matters only and so they don't hesitate to make confrontational schemes while getting money from the US and conservative groups.

It is said that even this year again the Ministry of Unification has launched a plan to give funds to the anti-DPRK organizations to "improve human rights in the north".

It is extremely pathetic that they have a sad lot in trying to gain something from good-for-nothing human scums worse than a beast.

Thursday, 11 May 2023

AINDF issues statement of indignation


On May 10, the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front released a statement of indignation under the title "We vehemently denounce the biggest crimes of Yoon Suk-yeol during his one year-long term" as regards the lapse of one year since he took power.

Yoon's one year-long term has reduced south Korea into a theater of prosecutory and fascist rowdyism and a living hell, inter-Korean relations are bogged down in catastrophe owing to nuclear war maneuvers in conspiracy with outside forces and the south Korean authorities' moves of confrontation with north Korea and the national dignity has been seriously violated by the pro-US and Japanese proclivities, the indignation statement said. It branded his one year-long term as the heinous crime running counter to the times and public feelings and engaging itself in all sorts of evils.      

The statement of indignation subtitled "one year of anxiety and fear which drove the danger of nuclear war with heinous inter-Korean confrontation and provocation" said: Yoon spent one year during which he, swimming against tendency of the times and public feelings, pushed the situation of the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war and froze national division by conducting joint military exercises with different missions with foreign forces and persisting in inter-Korean confrontation.      

Soon after he took office, Yoon initiated the "bold initiative", a replica of "no nukes, opening and 3 000 dollars" devised by Lee Myung-bak to clamor for prior denuclearization of north Korea. It is a revelation of the dream of "unification through absorption" based on war provocation against north Korea.    

He, clamoring for improvement of north Korean human rights, as his basic duty, appointed international cooperation ambassador for north Korean human rights and ensured stipulations of "north Korean human rights act" fabricated in 2016 were revised for the worse. He has persisted in the abolition of "anti-leaflet law" and offered equipment for scattering the leaflets to the north Korean defectors. It is sleight of hand to push the bedeviled inter-Korean relations to a more uncontrollable catastrophe.   

In a joint statement to commemorate the 70th anniversary of south Korea-US alliance issued during his junket to Washington, he reeled off a string of groundless sophism that north Korea has violated its people's right and put its money into development of weapons of mass destruction, laying bare his inherent sense of disapproval towards north Korea.

He saw to it that the phrase "the north Korean administration and the Korean People's Army are the principal enemy" was stipulated in the white paper of Ministry of National Defense and guideline for the army to inoculate the officers and soldiers with idea of the principal enemy.

Yoon, who declared "a preemptive nuclear attack upon north Korea" when he was on a stumping tour, reaffirmed reactivation of extended deterrence strategy and consultation group, extension of scale of joint military exercises and deployment of the US nuclear strategic assets in a joint statement made public with US President Biden.  

Whenever an opportunity presented itself, he stressed "peace through strength" and "security through strength", while paying lip-service to early completion of north Korea targeted "south Korea's three-axis defense system". He has made frantic efforts to carry out the reorganization of the strategic command for establishment of combined command system and the future combined special operation command. He started the first year of his office with provocative war maneuvers while trumpeting about the tripartite military cooperation between south Korea, the US and Japan.  

What should not be overlooked is that he paid a visit to Washington to keep south Korea as a nuclear pledge and reduce the Korean Peninsula into a permanent exhibition hall of the US strategic nuclear weapons.  

"Rapid development of north Korea's nuke and missile threat" and "north Korea's unprecedented frequency of provocation" are statements touted by Yoon during his junket to the US. His earnest request was the US extended deterrence.   

Now the US three nuclear strategic assets would be deployed and the Korean Peninsula is on the eve of nuclear war by a military layman Yoon.   

The biggest crimes committed by Yoon, who threw inter-Korean ties into nadir and put the Korean Peninsula on the chopping board of nuclear war with his policy of inter-Korean confrontation and war maneuvers against north Korea, are bound to come under accusation and rebuff of the Korean nation.

The indignation statement under the subtitle "A disgraceful year during which national dignity and interests are sacrificed for the sake of foreign forces by flunkeyism and treachery" bitterly reprimanded Yoon who traded away the nation's dignity and interests to the outside forces.

Before the presidential inauguration, Yoon dispatched a delegation for consultation of south Korea-US policy to the US for reconstruction of the south Korea-US alliance to be a tool of the US. He met a US delegation that had participated in the presidential inauguration ceremony to curry favor with the US, praising the south Korea-US alliance as a linchpin.  

After eleven days of inauguration, he invited US President Biden to Seoul and vowed to be filial to him. He saw to it that direct dialogue channel was newly set up between the presidential office and the White House and all problems arising in all fields including politics, security and economy were settled under the approval of Washington.   

The south Korean presidential office in Yongsan had been wiretapped by the US intelligence agency, however, it failed to utter even a word of protest against the US. It made a string of poor excuses that the eavesdropping was harmless to the south Korea-US alliance. Yoon was jeered by worldwide condemnation.

During his visit to Washington, Yoon expressed his thanks to his master, speaking highly of the south Korea-US alliance as the most successful one in 70 year-old history, he visited Arlington cemetery that enshrines the soldiers killed in the Korean War, awarded commemorative medals and decorations to those who took part in the Korean War and sang an American song before his master.

Yoon dispatched a delegation for consultation with Japan composed of pro-Japanese elements who had studied in Japan to beg for bilateral ties.  

He hushed up the hideous crimes committed by Japan in the past and extolled Jap as "cooperative partner" in his speech at the March First Popular Uprising meeting. He paid a visit to Tokyo to withdraw a lawsuit of the World Trade Organization as regard to Japan's restrictions of export.   

Buoyed by his master's encouragement, he showed his will to exert himself to promote security cooperation between south Korea, the US and Japan during his stay in Washington.

Some days ago, he humbled himself before the Japanese Prime Minister who was on a visit to Seoul to paint a black picture of the national dignity.

Yoon's crime is a never-to-be-condoned one.

The indignation statement under the subtitle "A year of tyranny during which democracy and civil rights are seriously trampled down by prosecutory despotism" sharply criticized Yoon who reduced south Korea into a wasteland of democracy and civil rights with fascist tyranny and misrule.

He resuscitated the era of dictatorship under prosecution eclipsing the preceding military fascist despotism after he came to power.

Despite the public criticism, he made the prosecution service as a watchman for the regime, put the police under his control and put forward the National Intelligence Service as a shock brigade for maintaining dictatorial clique. Scandals related with his wife Kim Keun-hee and relatives were found innocent and his confidants and culprits involved in the illegal interference in "state affairs" were released.      

The Yoon group let the police search the building of opposition party and threw those who had raised an objection to him and who served in the ex-regime behind bars.  

From the beginning of his inauguration, Yoon formulated pro-conglomerate against laborers and has ruthlessly trampled down the workers' campaign for defending the right to live, branding the unionists including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions as the "pro-north Korean elements".  

Branding the progressive activists as the "Juche idea group", the Yoon group let the police search all their offices and residences across south Korea and arrested them on charges of violation of the "National Security Law".  

This is the true identity of "impartiality", "common sense" and "freedom" much touted by Yoon.

The south Koreans will surely settle their accounts with Yoon who reduced south Korea into a dark society and the worst tundra of human rights.  

His one year-long term has been riddled with crisis of war, security, democracy, economy and people's livelihood by his ignorance and incompetence.  

It is shame on the south Koreans that they recorded an unheard-of disgraceful history as they had cast ballots to Yoon.

We will not allow Yoon to go scot-free and his four year-long tenure of office is intolerable.

Retirement of Yoon from his office is the way to preserve peace, restore the national dignity, realize democracy and the peoples' rights and revive the economy.    

The south Korean people should give a stern punishment to Yoon, a pro-US and Japanese sycophantic traitor, inter-Korean confrontation fanatic, strangler of democracy and civil rights and disturber of public welfare by waging an obstinate struggle against his regime.


Tuesday, 25 April 2023

On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Pyongyang Declaration



Secretariat of the Central Committee of the AUCPB (Nina Andreeva)

On April 20, 1992, during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Comrade Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, with the participation of leaders and representatives of political parties from different countries of the world, the Pyongyang Declaration "Let's protect and advance the cause of socialism" was adopted . Among the first signatories of the Declaration was the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (VKPB), headed by Nina Alexandrovna Andreeva, whose role in the communist movement in the USSR was valued by Comrade Kim Il Sung. Today, this most important document of the world communist movement has been signed by more than 270 political parties and movements.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, socialism was temporarily destroyed in the USSR and a number of countries in Europe and Asia, as a result of the departure of the leading communist parties there from the Marxist-Leninist positions, the world socialist system was liquidated, which was immediately used for its predatory purposes by world imperialism.

But on earth, the outpost of socialism on the planet continues to exist and operate successfully in the person of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which was created and then headed by Comrade Kim Il Sung. The socialist ideas of Juche created by him - relying on one's own strength and independence - did not allow to undermine the ideological foundations of the leading Workers' Party of Korea, which ensured the reliable functioning of the socialist system in the DPRK.

Comrade Kim Il Sung initiated the adoption of the Pyongyang Declaration "Let's Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism" in 1992 by the leaders of the communist, workers', revolutionary and socialist parties and movements. This Declaration gave a powerful impetus to the socialist movement in the world and its development in a new direction, confirming the idea that socialism is the ideal of mankind, calling on the progressive parties of the world to unite and fight for the revival and new upsurge of the socialist movement.

After the temporary defeat of socialism in the USSR and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, the world communist movement was going through a deep crisis, ideological confusion and vacillation. The VKPB, analyzing the reasons for the temporary victory of the counter-revolution in the USSR, repeatedly emphasized that historically it was not socialism that was defeated, but its opportunistic distortion and perversion by the post-Stalinist leadership of the party and state.

Today, in the face of the threat of imperialism, the problem of the unity of the communist movement and anti-imperialist forces is becoming more and more urgent. As noted by N.A. Andreeva: “The first, most difficult step on this path was made by the Pyongyang Declaration of 1992… The Pyongyang Declaration indicated the main path to unite the progressive anti-imperialist forces on Earth. Today the situation demands to go further, to clarify and deepen the initial provisions as the basis for further unification, to attract new parties and movements to it. Numerous meetings of representatives of workers' and communist countries in different regions of the world create the basis on which the possibility of international unity of the exploited and oppressed arises. The adopted declarations, platforms and other documents become stages in the common front of revolutionary unity.”

 Moscow city,

April 20, 2

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

On the occasion of the Day of the Sun



The Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front sent a congratulatory letter to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on April 15 to mark the Day of the Sun.  

The congratulatory letter titled "To the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the peerlessly great man born of Heaven and patriot" said that in the morning of the Day of the Sun the AINDF pays the highest tribute to President Kim Il Sung, the eternal sun of Juche, in reflection of the unanimous desire of the south Koreans and offers the greatest glory and warmest congratulations to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the peerlessly great man born of Heaven and the symbol of Juche Korea's mightiness.  

The birthday of the President was the great auspicious event for the Korean nation which put an end to its distress-torn history stained with flunkeyism and disgrace and signaled the beginning of new Korea and was the event of worldwide significance heralding the dawn of the age of mankind independence.

With his birthday, the spring of national resurrection had come and the era of independence started in which the Korean people who had been subjected to ill-treatment and oppression became the masters of their destiny and the country.

The President, with clear insight into the requirement of the age and people's intentions in his teens, propounded the Juche idea holding the highest and the most brilliant position in the human history of thinking, clearly indicated the most correct way to be followed by the Korean nation and humanity and defeated the US and Japan, two formidable imperialist enemies, in one generation with his original war methods, strategy and tactics.    

The President, regarding the people are my God as his lifelong motto, founded the Workers' Party of Korea as the motherly party, set up the government and founded the Korean People's Army serving the people. He had built a socialist power that is independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in defense, evoking the world admiration.   

The President, taking to heart more than anyone else the tragedy of national division, singled out Korea's reunification as the supreme task of the nation to put forward the most fair and aboveboard reunification formula such as the three principles of national reunification, the 10-point program for the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo. He led the Korean people in their efforts to achieve the movement for independent reunification to lay a solid groundwork for the country's reunification.

The President, an elder statesman of the world politics, gave a strong impetus to the human cause of independence with his steadfast political creed and energetic external activities and held all the people to his broad bosom out of boundless generosity and magnanimity, enjoying boundless reverence of all peoples.

The President, who penetrated the prospects of the nation and the protractedness of the revolution with his far-sighted acumen, gave perfect solution to the issue of succession to the revolutionary cause of Juche to provide a sure guarantee for happiness and prosperity of the nation.

His imperishable achievements performed on behalf of the nation, era and history for over eighty years in the 20th century will be glorified for all ages along with the victorious advance of Juche Korea.

The revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered from Mt. Paektu had been carried forward by Chairman Kim Jong Il, the illustrious commander born of Mt. Paektu. Now it enjoys the greatest heyday of it under the judicious leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, another great person born of Heaven, the congratulatory letter continued.   

Kim Jong Un, regarding completion of the cause of the preceding leaders as his lifelong mission, has led Juche Korea, which is associated with the whole life and motto of the President, to victory and prosperity.   

He perfectly realized the cause of perpetuating the memory of the preceding leaders with his noble loyalty and moral obligation and made sure that a steady continuity was given to the history of the sun by defining the revolutionary ideologies of the President and the Chairman as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the great revolutionary idea that reached the acme in the history of human thoughts.  

Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un, possessed of rare wisdom, scientific insight, inflexible faith and will and warm love for his people, the DPRK has demonstrated its dignity and national power throughout the world and laid a robust foundation for rosy future of the country for over ten years.  

The facts of legalization of state policy on the nuclear force, rapid development of the national defense industry and successive birth of Juche-based weaponry which displayed its inexhaustible strength before the world: These are precious fruition of bold decision, adamant will, outstanding leadership and unbounded devotion of Kim Jong Un who carries out desires of the preceding leaders without an inch of deflection.

Thanks to energetic leadership and politics for the people of Kim Jong Un, monumental projects reflecting the people-first principle have been built and high civilization and happiness are being witnessed across the DPRK envied by the south Koreans and world people.  

He, the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander and a great master of independent politics, put the US and its followers on the defensive with his toughest stand and immediate countermeasures. He has demonstrated the national prestige of the DPRK throughout the world by steering international political trend to independence and justice.  

Kim Jong Un, who leads the Juche revolution to triumph true to intentions of the preceding leaders and makes every endeavor to bring happiness and prosperity of the sun's nation and sun's Korea, is the greatest man and the sun of the 21st century.

The south Korean people have kept the truth that the dignity of a nation is displayed only when a nation is led by a prominent leader through the image of Kim Jong Un. They renewed their determination to accelerate the victorious advance of the cause of national independence under the guidance of Kim Jong Un.

Led by Kim Jong Un, April jubilee is everlasting and the future of Juche Korea is rosy, the congratulatory letter said. The south Korean vanguard fighters and people sincerely wish good health of Kim Jong Un, the sun of the nation and the symbol of all victories and glory, for the prosperity of Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea and for the day when the whole Korean nation enjoys happiness and comfort to posterity. 

Monday, 10 April 2023

Unfading exploits with immortal Juche idea

Unfading exploits with immortal Juche idea


With the approach of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people and world progressives highly revere the President who fathered the Juche idea to provide the guiding principle in the era of independence.

The Juche idea is the eternal banner of the Korean revolution and the revolutionary banner in the era of independence created and applied in the revolutionary practice by President Kim Il Sung.

After reviewing historical lesson of Korean national liberation movement, the President, at the Kalun meeting held from June 30 to July 2, Juche 19 (1930), declared the principle of Juche idea that the masters of the Korean revolution are the Korean people and the Korean revolution should be by all means carried out by the Korean people themselves in a way suited to the actual condition of the country.

The Juche idea, in short, is the idea that the popular masses are masters of the revolution and construction, and they are also the motive force of revolution and construction.

In other words, man is the master of his destiny and has the power to carve it out.

Thanks to the Juche idea, the Korean revolution have made a vigorous advance along the road of independence and the Juche era, a new era of historical development of mankind in which the popular masses hew out their own destiny independently and creatively has been opened up.

The President, holding aloft the banner of the Juche idea, defeated the Japanese imperialist aggressors to liberate Korea. He had built a powerful socialist country independent, self-sufficient and self-reliant in defense by applying the Juche idea throughout his leadership over Korea.

It is the DPRK government's invariable principle to adhere to Juche in the ideology, independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in defense.

The Juche idea propounded by the President had been enriched by outstanding ideological and theoretical activities and sagacious wisdom of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, thoroughly embodying the Juche idea in building a rich and powerful nation, has built the DPRK as a socialist power with independent politics, self-defense capacity and self-supporting economy.

The credit for the brilliant successes being scored in the DPRK goes to the Juche idea.

The Juche idea is the most reasonable, universal and viable revolutionary idea easily acceptable to whoever aspiring after independence as it is man-centered world outlook and the revolutionary theory and method centered on the popular masses.

The Juche idea captures the hearts of all people as it is encyclopedic revolutionary thought representing the popular masses' cause of independence and the whole course of implementing the cause of socialism and the idea guiding the future of mankind.

Today many countries including the UK, Switzerland and Spain have the Juche idea study groups and lots of followers of the Juche idea wage dynamic activities to study and disseminate the Juche idea.

The immortal feats of President Kim Il Sung, who originated and developed in depth the Juche idea, the guiding idea of the Korean revolution and the era of independence, will last forever along with the Day of the Sun.



Tuesday, 28 March 2023

AINDF issues an appeal


The Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front made public an appeal in condemnation of pro-Japanese treacherous act of the Yoon Suk-yeol regime and calling for a nationwide campaign against Japan and Yoon on March 24.

 The appeal titled "An appeal to fellow countrymen" said that another treacherous crime is recorded in shameful history of south Korean politics stained with pro-US and Japanese proclivities, it continued.

Yoon's recent junket to Japan achieved under the manipulation of the US was a sycophantic junket which sold off the national pride without reserve. It was recorded as an irrecoverable sin to be etched in the history of the Korean nation who had experienced the grief of statelessness.   

Yoon declared a list of tribute to Japan and told he would not claim indemnity for the past crimes committed by Japan, not content with its connivance at Japan's past crimes at an interview with a Japanese media before starting his visit to Japan. It is an intolerable insult and challenge to the nation.

He failed to extract a word of apology from impudent, cunning Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and prayed him for improvement of bilateral ties, risking the nation's interests for the sake of Japan. At a lecture, he parroted the remarks of those, who looked down upon the Korean nation and advocated the colonial domination in the Meiji age, the gist of which is "Korea is a territory of Japan".   

He did not hesitate to throw its tongue against north Korea and connived at Japan's goal to be a military power. He declared normalization of the general security of military intelligence agreement (GSOMIA) with Japan and revealed his black-hearted intention to stand in confrontation with north Korea with the backing of the US and Japan.  

The whole process of his junket to Japan was a series of pro-Japanese proclivity and submission as "the five traitors of 1905" fabricated the "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" and Park Chung-hee signed the "south Korea-Japan Agreement". It is the height of treachery.

The south Korean people bitterly denounce his visit to Tokyo as a humiliating visit giving up apology and compensation for Japan's past crimes, offering the national interests for the sake of Japan and pushing the situation of the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity to the extreme phase.   

Nationwide rallies in condemnation of his visit to Japan and signature campaign are being held in south Korea. The declaration on the current situation made by broad segments of south Koreans are being released one after another.   

It is an expression of public anger at the Yoon regime and manifestation of the south Korean people's will to punish Yoon without fail.

In retrospect, he said that the people should not be divided into the pro-Japanese group and anti-Japanese one before he took power, south Korea-Japanese relationship should not be kept in the past. He, who promised to mend the relations with Japan regardless of the past crimes, recorded his one-year long rule as the treacherous history of pro-Japanese proclivity.

He turned down the compensation for the Japan's past crimes judged by the Supreme Court to rub salt into the wounds of the victims, promoted Japan as "cooperation partnership" and revealed its intention to push forward military cooperation between south Korea, the US and Japan under the excuse of "north Korea's nuclear threat".  

The Korean nation's grudge against Japan and forty-odd years long unethical crimes left unhealed wounds, however, Japan has denied apology and reparation for its past wrongdoings.   

Japan is bent on glossing over the past crimes and engrossed in the distortion of history and re-aggression. It carries worship at the Yasukuni shrine to offer a tribute to it and set "Takeshima Day" to seize Dok islet.

It revised document of security and strategy and augmented its defense expenses. It laid bare its intention to be transformed into a state capable of carrying out a war through "revision of constitution" and realize new "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." It has put spur to establish missile defense system against north Korea together with south Korea and the US, introduce the latest weaponry, development of new type hardware and conduct military exercises with different missions.   

The current situation proves Japan's ambition to be a military power and for re-aggression of the Korean Peninsula reach an extreme pitch of danger.    

Yoon has fanned up Japan's bid for re-aggression and is engaged in pro-Japanese proclivity. The south Korean people express their indignation at his behavior.

The south Koreans would not tolerate treacherous act of the pro-Japanese elements and Japan's imprudence.

The anti-Japanese and Yoon struggle is the great cause of the people and request of the current situation, the appeal said. It called for the people to turn out in the campaign against Japan and Yoon.   

The Yoon regime is just the "the five traitors of 1905" in the 21st century and Yoon is another offshoot of Lee Wan-yong and Park Chung-hee.

The second "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" and reappearance of statelessness will be unavoidable as long as the Yoon regime remains in power.

The withdrawal of Yoon and action against the Yoon regime are the only solution.  

Let us send Yoon to the graveyard of "the five traitors of 1905" at the earliest possible date by touching off the nationwide resistance!

Let us crush rash act of the Yoon gentry which begs for military cooperation between south Korea, the US and Japan and provides a springboard for aggression through an intense struggle for peace against war!

The south Koreans' campaign to chill Japan's attempt for re-aggression and humble its arrogance is a righteous resistance to satisfy the century-old grudge of the Korean nation.

The south Korean people should make south Korea full of anti-Japanese sentiments by developing the spirit of the Independence Movement in 1919 into animosity toward Japan.

Let us shed light to hair-raising atrocities committed by Japan and its crime-woven history! Make Japan to pay a dear price for the century-old past crimes.

Let us frustrate Japan's ambition for re-aggression to reduce south Korea into a colony through the process of becoming a military giant with the united efforts of the nation!

The US is a backstage manipulator of south Korea-Japan tie-up.

Let us smash the US bid to invade the Korean Peninsula by military cooperation with south Korean and Japanese war servitors and dominate the Asia-Pacific region!

Let us foil vicious move to form the three-way military alliance between south Korea, the US and Japan!

The appeal called for the south Korean people to wage stubborn action to step down Yoon at all costs and put an end to the history of pro-US and Japanese submission.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Truth behind Nord Stream Pipelines Explosion Incident

Pyongyang, March 4 (KCNA) -- An Chol Hyok, an international affairs analyst, on Saturday made public an article titled "Truth behind the gas pipelines explosion incident being revealed gradually".

The full text of the article is as follows:

The international community is greatly shocked by an article, released by an American journalist, Seymour Hersh, some days ago, saying that the explosions of Nord Stream pipelines in September 2022 were caused by the remote-controlled explosion device installed by U.S. naval divers in strict secrecy under the direct order of Biden.

Another American journalist, John Dugan, too, disclosed the fact that U.S. naval divers, involved in the NATO naval military exercise "BALTOPS-2022" held in Baltic Sea in June last year, were engaged in long-time underwater work for the preparation of exploding Nord Stream pipelines after covertly leaving the training waters.

As already known, strong explosions occurred in the "Nord Stream-1" and "Nord Streams-2" pipelines, laid down in 40-60m depth of an exclusive economic water zone between Sweden and Denmark, late in September last year, causing gas leakage at four points.

As soon as the incident broke out, the U.S. and the West were keen on creating an atmosphere of denunciation against Russia, recklessly branding it as an intended act of Russia to aggravate the energy crisis in Europe.

Russia repeatedly proposed EU countries to organize a joint investigation group and throw an objective light on the truth of the incident through an international investigation, but the U.S. and the West parroted the "rumor about Russia's deed", feigning deafness.

Under such situation, American journalists contended that the Biden administration's plot was behind the Nord Stream pipelines explosion incident. This is very meaningful.

It is said that the real culprit of any case will be who gets biggest benefit from it.

If the "rumor about Russia's deed", claimed by the U.S., is true, what benefit Russia will get from the destruction of gas pipelines constructed by itself at the cost of more than 10 billion US dollars, and can it return for huge profits that will be made with "Nord Stream" for decades in future?

It is unreasonable to lend ears to the assertion of the U.S. and the West.

Then, who will be most benefited by the Nord Stream pipelines explosion incident?

It is none other than the U.S. which had been anxious to push Russia's natural gas out of the European market and instead introduce its expensive liquefied gas into it.

Substantial is also the strategic interests that the U.S. will get by blocking the "Nord Stream", which has served as an obstacle in inciting European countries to the confrontation with Russia.

It is not fortuitous for experts on the international affairs to have argued that the theory about Nord Stream pipelines explosion by the U.S. is authentic, in consideration of the fact the U.S. regards it as a main link of the isolation and deterrence strategy towards Russia to block Russia's gas export and push it out of the European gas market, and that Wall Street is hosting a party in celebration of their gas delivery expanded after the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines, drinking a "blood-soaked wine".

As regards the journalists' assertion, officials of the National Security Council and the Department of State of the U.S. are making rhetoric that press reports on the attack on Nord Stream pipelines carried out on the order of Biden are totally fiction and ballyhoo.

It may be a shame that its journalists branded the U.S. as the real offender from a fair stand. Anyhow, there is no reason for the U.S. to oppose Russia-proposed international investigation, if it is upright.

The awl in the sack can never be hidden, and the truth about crime is bound to be probed at any time.

The U.S. must be given due punishment before the world for its crime that brought a serious negative effect on the energy security and ecological environment in the European region by conspiratorially sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines, a multinational energy infrastructure.

The international community should heighten vigilance against the vicious high-handed, arbitrary and conspiratorial maneuverings of the U.S. which resorts to all sorts of despicable means and methods for its hegemonic position and greed, taking no account of the interests of not only its rivals but also its junior "allies". -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche112.3.4.)

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Wednesday, 1 March 2023




Executive Committee and Political Council

 United International Anti-Imperialist Anti-Fascist Front

 The imperialist West began intensive pumping of Ukraine with weapons almost immediately after the fascist coup carried out by neo-Bandera forces under the leadership of Western intelligence services in 2014. This has already happened in history: it was the imperialist circles of the West who were interested in Hitler's coming to power in Germany. Then Western countries, primarily the United States, provided him with significant assistance in arming Germany in order to send Wehrmacht columns to the east against the USSR. And in 1941 they really moved east with the aim of destroying the Soviet Union.

Now the imperialist West, with the help of the neo-Bandera Armed Forces of Ukraine, equipped with NATO weapons, seeks to destroy the rising competitor - Russia. Russia was forced to launch a special military operation (SVO) to protect the sovereignty and integrity of its country and the people of the DPR and LPR from the aggression of the Kyiv fascist regime, as well as to demilitarize and denazify all of Ukraine. Military operations in the Donbass and in the south of Ukraine have been going on for the ninth year. In this regard, the situation in Europe and around the world has aggravated, many countries are involved in the conflict to one degree or another, and the sanctions imposed by the Western imperialists against Russia have an impact on the entire economy of the world.

The question arises: why is all this happening? Who needs it? We find the answer in the Leninist theory of imperialism - monopoly capitalism, which, after the destruction of socialism in the USSR and the countries of the socialist community, became dominant in the world. Imperialism is parasitic, decaying, dying capitalism. It pushes the contradictions between labor and capital, between various imperialist powers, between imperialist states and dependent countries, to extreme limits, which ultimately leads to a crisis of the entire imperialist system, i.e. decline in production, unemployment, impoverishment of workers. Crises are the birthmarks of imperialism; without them, imperialism cannot exist. From the crisis that began in 2008, world imperialism has not yet emerged.

Imperialism finds a way out of the crisis in an arms race and wars. So it was on the eve of World Wars I and II, and so it is now. Under imperialism, the contradictions and competitive struggle between imperialist countries for markets, sources of raw materials, for the seizure of foreign territories, for world domination are intensified, which leads to rampant militarism and wars, not only local, but also world. IN AND. Lenin convincingly proved the inevitability of wars under imperialism.

US imperialism, having seized the dominant position in the world after the destruction of the USSR, is gradually losing its hegemony. This leads to the intensification of militaristic sentiments in US imperialist circles, which are ready to take any aggressive action, any adventure, to use the most reactionary regimes in order to maintain their hegemony on the planet.

Here, in order to get to the wealth stored in the depths of Russia, which stands in the way of the United States to world domination, the American hawks raised the fascist regime in Kiev, prepared and sent it to an aggressive war against Russia, and now they are intensively pumping up the anti-people regime with weapons. For the same purpose, the United States uses Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and other European countries, which are also covered by a wave of fascism...

Fascism is one of the most reactionary political currents that arose during the period of the general crisis of capitalism and the emergence of supranational capitalist corporations - the highest financial oligarchy. It expresses the interests of the most reactionary and aggressive forces of the imperialist bourgeoisie. Fascism in power is an openly terrorist dictatorship aimed at suppressing the actions of the working class for their rights, all democratic freedoms and progressive social movements. The ideology of fascism is militant anti-communism, reactionary nationalism and chauvinism, violence and universal control over the individual, militarization of all spheres of society, aggression. The most reactionary part of fascism in the 20th century in Germany was Nazism, and now neo-Bandera Nazism in Ukraine. Nazism, in addition to all the features of fascism, is distinguished by a special bestial hatred of other peoples.

All of the above features of fascism and Nazism are present in modern Ukraine. The Russian language is prohibited there at the legislative level, although for many Ukrainians Russian is their native language. Penalties are imposed for violating the law on the Ukrainian language. In Ukraine, under Poroshenko, as in Hitler's Germany, the Communist Party was banned, and under Zelensky, opposition "pro-Russian" parties were banned.

In Ukraine, the persecution of dissident citizens, journalists and even deputies of the Verkhovna Rada has become the norm. It is the gangs of fascist thugs (similar to the SS assault squads) that are the striking force for dispersing the protest actions of the working people, reduced to poverty. Having crushed the monuments of V.I. Lenin and other progressive figures, the neo-Banderites hung out on the streets and squares of Ukrainian cities portraits of the fascists Bandera and Shukhevych, on whose hands the blood of thousands and thousands of tortured and brutally murdered Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and representatives of other nationalities. As you know, the burning of the inhabitants of the Belarusian village of Khatyn was also the work of the Bandera punitive organs, which in cruelty often even surpassed their masters, the Nazi executioners.

        And, finally, the bombardment of peaceful cities of Donbass for more than eight years, from 2014 to the present, when kindergartens, schools, hospitals are destroyed and civilians, including the elderly, women and children, are killed, is a monstrous crime against humanity. As you know, the Nazi pilots did not bomb their cities, and neo-Bandera criminals turned many cities of the Donbass into ruins.

And so, in order to continue this fratricidal slaughter and the crimes of neo-Bandera fascists, the imperialist West is increasing the supply of various types of weapons to Ukraine. According to the data cited by the Kiel Institute of World Economics, the United States is in first place in providing military assistance to Ukraine (both financial and delivered/promised equipment). Great Britain is next, Poland is in third place, Germany is in fourth, Canada completes the top five. This is followed by Norway, the Czech Republic, Greece, Estonia, Latvia and others. Almost all countries of NATO Europe, except Hungary, are suppliers of weapons to the fire of the conflict in Ukraine, which brings huge profits to arms manufacturers. The biggest financial gains come from the US military-industrial complex (DIC). The United States has already provided more than $100 billion in aid to Kyiv, most of which will pay for armaments from Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and other manufacturers. Meanwhile, a group of hawks in Washington are already sounding the alarm that the arsenals of the US and its NATO allies have run out, which means new orders for military contractors. Thus, for the American defense industry, the military conflict in Ukraine represents an ideal opportunity for fabulous earnings.

The Russian special operation began on February 24, 2022, and two weeks later, the Russian military announced the destruction of 90% of Ukrainian airfields and anti-aircraft missile systems. The same is true for other types of weapons. Hence the conclusion: hostilities in Ukraine continue ONLY THANKS TO THE SUPPLY OF ARMS BY THE COUNTRIES OF THE IMPERIALIST WEST.

The West is currently paying the main attention to the issues of militarization of Ukraine. Two meetings in Brussels and a conference in Munich were devoted to this topic. On February 14-15, in Brussels, the defense ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance discussed the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons, ammunition and other military means - "to defeat" Russia. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged the Atlantic allies to strengthen and accelerate arms assistance to the Kyiv regime. In parallel and at the same time in Brussels for the ninth time, a contact group of donor countries of the Armed Forces met. The Ramstein-9 format is represented by more than 40 states, whose representatives discussed the transfer of armored vehicles to Ukraine (eight countries previously promised Leopard tanks).

On February 19, the regular annual Munich Security Conference, one of the largest forums on foreign policy and defense, ended in Munich, Bavaria. It also, in addition to the issues of the situation in various regions, discussed the issue of supplying weapons to Ukraine. At the conference, the head of the EU foreign service, Josep Borrell, once again demanded that Kyiv be provided with as many tanks as possible. He added that this problem should be resolved at an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers and defense ministers, which will be held on March 6-7, where it will be proposed to speed up the process.

It should be noted that the peace-loving forces do not agree with the aggressive plans of European and American leaders and come out to protest. On January 31, hundreds of people took to the streets of German Nuremberg in the evening to protest against the supply of weapons to Ukraine, a large number of anti-war activists took to the streets of Munich, Dresden and Berlin to protest against the supply of tanks to Ukraine. The protesters believe that the conflict should be resolved through diplomacy. The organizer of the action in Munich was the peace initiative München steht auf (“Munich rises” - ed.). The posters and flags of the protesters were inscribed with calls for peace and criticism of the arms magnates. Later, demonstrations against arms supplies to Ukraine also took place in Leipzig and Zwickau.

A demonstration against US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's visit to Greece took place on February 21 in the evening in front of the US Embassy in Athens. Hundreds of demonstrators with red flags in their hands marched through the central streets of the city and stopped at the US Embassy, ​​where they held a rally. Members of the organization chanted slogans: “Stop the participation of Greece in the imperialist war in Ukraine! Renounce complicity in the dangerous plans of the US-NATO-EU! Close foreign military bases in Greece! No land, no water for the Americans - the killers of nations! Lift the murderous US-NATO-EU embargo against the Syrian people!"

The leadership of the United International Anti-Imperialist Anti-Fascist Front believes that the protests against the supply of weapons to the neo-Bandera regime in Ukraine are a worthy contribution to the defense of peace in Europe, and, therefore, peace on the planet. The fact is that with the increase in arms supplies, the conflict in Ukraine is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and this is fraught with a slide into World War III. Therefore, this struggle against the supply of weapons to the Nazis in Kyiv should be continued.

However, at the same time, we recall the well-known warning of I.V. Stalin: “It is most likely that the modern movement for peace, as a movement for the preservation of peace, if successful, will lead to the prevention of this war, to its temporary postponement, to the temporary preservation of this world, to the resignation of the militant government, ready to temporarily preserve peace. This, of course, is good. Very well. But this is still not enough to eliminate the inevitability of wars in general between capitalist countries. It is not enough, because despite all the successes of the movement in defense of peace, imperialism still remains, remains in force, and consequently, the inevitability of wars also remains in force.

To eliminate the inevitability of wars, imperialism must be destroyed.”

Summing up the above, the Executive Committee and the Political Council of the United International Anti-Imperialist Anti-Fascist Front (EMAAF) appeal to all anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-war organizations, as well as to the progressive people of the world, to show solidarity and come out as a united front against the forces of militarism, war and fascism and with February 27 to start a protest campaign against the supply of weapons to the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

February 27 marks the 90th anniversary of the burning of the Reichstag by the Nazis, who accused the communists of this crime, and in a matter of days, thousands of German communists ended up in concentration camps. Bulgarian communists were also arrested, among whom was one of the leaders of the Comintern, Georgy Dimitrov. The Nazis decided to arrange a show trial of the Communists. At the Leipzig trial, Georgy Dimitrov himself conducted his defense in such a way that he turned from an accused into an accuser of fascism, proving that the Reichstag fire was a provocation of the Nazi services. Thus, the first victory of the communists over fascism was won. The whole world followed the progress of the process, thousands of mass media spread the news from this event. The counter-trial was held in London. The Nazis were preparing to secretly destroy Dimitrov,

We call to commemorate this momentous occasion to actively make the following calls:


No to the supply of arms to the fascist regime of Ukraine!

No sanctions against the Russian Federation!

Fascism will not pass!

Down with imperialism!

Down with NATO!

No to World War III!


A.E. Gigova, Chairman of the EMAAF Executive Committee


V.B. Zelikov, Chairman of the Political Council of the EMAAF


EMAAF headquarters,

city ​​of Varna (Bulgaria), 22.02.2023