Sunday, 3 July 2022

Statement of PKI


The People’s War 

Indonesian rise against imperialism 

The Indonesian People’s Army is under the supreme guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and the Communist Party of Indonesia. It is the revolutionary army of the broad masses of the Indonesian people against US imperialism, the comprador big bourgeoisie, the landlord class and the bureaucrat capitalists.

The Indonesian People’s Army is the principal organization of the Communist Party of Indonesia which takes the path of armed revolution according to Mao Zedong Thought. It is the main weapon to carry out the central task of the Party which is to seize and consolidate political power. It is the instrument which shall overthrow the present bourgeois reactionary puppet government and bring forth the victory of the people’s revolution. It is an important tool which significantly contributes to the implementation of the Program for a People’s Revolution of the Communist Party of Indonesia.

The Indonesian People’s Army wholeheartedly serves the interests of the people and is the main backbone of the proletarian dictatorship. It protects the people from the de­monic forces of imperialist and feudal oppression and exploitation. It constantly tries to help the masses in their daily lives. It detests the smallest damage committed against the masses instilling in its officers and men the strict discipline that will prevent them from inflicting any damage to the people.

The Indonesian People’s Army which is armed with Mao Zedong Thought emerged after it repudiated the counterrevolutionary revisionist errors of the Murba party as well as those others who advocate modern revisionism and opportunism. 

Within its ranks, it struggles against the purely military outlook, ultrademocracy, diso­bedience to organizational discipline, absolute equality, subjectivism, individualism, putschism and the ideology of the roving rebels.

The Indonesian People’s Army at present is composed of the best fighters who persevere in pursuing armed struggle and popularize the teachings of Mao Zedong. It continues to apply the universal truth of Mao Zedong Thought to the practice of the protracted people’s war in Indonesia.

While it adheres to the leadership of the working class and the Communist Party of Indonesia , the Indonesian People’s Army primarily integrates within itself the armed peasants waging agrarian revolution which is the main content of the people’s revolution. In this context, the people’s revolutions essentially a peasant war which is led by the proletariat.

In the countryside, the Indonesian People’s Army vigorously struggles to change the backward villages and transform them to become the most developed political, military, economic and cultural bastions of the people’s revolution. In order to accomplish this heroic task, the Indonesian People’s Army primarily relies on the masses of poor peasants and agricultural workers, while encouraging the middle peasants so as to neutralize the rich peasants. This is the revolutionary anti-feudal class line in the countryside.

The Indonesian People’s Army ensures independence, initiative and leadership of the Communist Party of Indonesia and the proletariat over the national united front. This is achieved by waging armed struggle which tightly unites the peasantry and working class, as the genuine foundation of a broad unity.

All throughout the protracted people’s war, the Indonesian People’s Army shall rely mainly on the alliance of the proletariat and the peasantry, though it is always ready to work with other progressive classes, organizations and individuals that sympathize with the armed struggle against US imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

The main strategic principle of the Indonesian People’s Army is a protracted people’s war in which its armed units continuously gather strength from the countryside based on people’s war, agrarian revolution and building its bases. This includes the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside, defeating the enemy by portions until its strength wears out.

The people’s army has the determination to build bases and stable local government organs and advance in waves until it has effectively crushed the remnants of the enemy’s forces which are concentrated in big cities and military camps. It shall systematically create and develop consolidated guerrilla zones capable of running the local people’s gov­ernment. The consolidated bases shall serve as a wide rear for expansion and creating new guerrilla zones and for the development of other revolutionary forces.

The Indonesian People’s Army will pass through three strategic stages in waging the protracted people’s war. The first stage is the strategic defensive, wherein it maintains the initiative in tactical offensives against the strategic military advantage of the enemy. The second stage is the strategic stalemate, wherein its fighting capacity is more or less equal to that of the enemy. The third and the last stage is the strategic of­fensive, wherein the forces of the Indonesian People’s Army have developed their strength capable of assaulting the enemy forces in their very own fortifications within the cities and in big camps.

In the whole period of protracted people’s war, the Indonesian People’s Army has the political initiative because it unites revolutionary theory with revolutionary practice; because it is closely linked with the masses; and because it practices self-criticism for every mistake or weakness it commits.

The Indonesian People’s Army creates and uses different types of fighting units in conducting the protracted people’s war. The guerrilla forces defend the guerrilla bases and zones, pave the way for the formation and development of regular mobile forces. The self-defense units and the militia defend the masses in the localities but are not detached from their daily economic activities. The armed partisans in the cities perform special roles in sabotaging the enemy and punishing traitors in the cities and urban centers. All these fighting units of the Indonesian People’s Army are coordinated and make use of all methods of warfare brought about by the development of the masses and the objective conditions.

The Indonesian People’s Army fully understands that in performing its revolutionary task of crushing US imperialism, the comprador big bour­geoisie, the landlord class and the bureaucrat capitalists in Indonesia, it performs a heroic and honorable task for the broad masses of workers and peasants, as well as for the oppressed peoples of the world.

The struggle for the people’s revolution as a stage towards socialism is both a national task and a proletarian internationalist act of the Indonesian People’s Army. The Indonesian armed struggle weakens and contributes to the crushing of US imperialism, modern revisionism and all reaction all over the world. Likewise, the armed struggles waged by all other oppressed peoples weaken and help in crushing the enemy in Indonesia.

The Indonesian People’s Army has an internationalist responsibility to strug­gle towards the final annihilation of imperialism led by US imperialism, and for the worldwide victory of socialism.